The Sustainable Development Goals are 180+ environmental and human rights measures that cover just about every world problem you can think of. Join the party to complete them together by 2030!

Click the wiki to learn about the SDG's.Collaborate to solve the goals in the forum.Get consulting services for personalized advice.See other projects in the project dashboard.

The buttons below link to the most complete SDG sections on the United States. Links for other countries coming soon!


Consulting Services

Consulting services are through email. It costs 5$ per question. Clarifying questions are free. An individual question is refunded if I can't answer it, or if I already answered in a previous question. Please ask about custom pricing for bulk questions.

Here are question topics I can answer:
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Online Volunteering Advice
- How should I solve this?
- Where do I start?
- What do I do?
- Where should I go?
- Why doesn't this work?

Email: [email protected]

Stop Repeating History

The names/wording of everything here I'm open to changing. This is still a work in progress! The buttons are not clickable, and the pages they click to need some more editing. You can check them out now by poking around the homepage,

Basically right now we are having a lot of historical dynamics repeating themselves in modern day time because people either have not learned from their mistakes or don't want things to change. This is a movement to stop repeating history.

This is what needs to stop repeating. A lot of people and organizations are working on these issues, so the goal is to direct people to those organizations where possible.

The information I know about is going to be compiled in the following:

When the Holocaust happened, they said we must learn history to not repeat it. We did.END GENOCIDE
Every 16 goal

The civil rights movement happened, but people recreated segregation without signs.END SEGREGATION
- 10.2 Social Justice
- 11.1 Homelessness

The civil war was won, but without an end to racism, slavery came back.END SLAVERY
- 8.7 Illegal Trafficking / Slavery / Abolition
- 8.8 Legal Trafficking / Slavery

The AIDs crisis worsened when the government didn't take it seriously. Now we have a new virus.END DEADLY VIRUSES
- 3.3 Covid

Feminism came strong, and equal rights pissed men off.END PATRIARCHAL CONTROL
- 3.7 Reproductive Healthcare
- 5.6 Reproductive Rights

Meta Info: Laying the groundwork.ORGANIZE
17.17 Organizing
Under fascism, when people get stressed they don't seek change, they just fall deeper into fascism. These are resources to help meet people's basic needs.SURVIVAL
- 2.1 End Hunger
- 11.1 Homelessness
- 3.4 Health
- 7.1 Universal Energy
- 6.1 Clean Water
- 6.2 Bathrooms

All Together Now

I'm open to changing the language and strategy.

The goal of this project is to add energy to complete the sustainable development goals.It will be done by creating a complete (or mostly complete) version of the wiki, then creating a global event for feedback, adding, changing, and creating a system to work towards. This single unified plan will include flexibility and be clear in order to prevent the recreation of pre-SDG systems. It will be used as a tangible cause to advocate for on a global level.All Together "Now" is about rapid progressive change- oftentimes when one issue is solved, it can create new problems or go back to old ways because the system that created the problem was not changed.All "Together" Now is about doing it together- when only an individual makes change or learns information, it can be isolating to try and work with others who aren't on board due to lack of awareness."All" Together Now is about global solidarity. It is the concept that no one is free until everyone is free.

Right now, people fight against injustice in individual, specific causes. People have to fight for their rights, rather than rights being granted to everyone.No one is free until we're all free. Guaranteeing rights and freedom for everyone will solve all problems.Globalization has caused violence and other problems to exist on a global scale- and it needs to be stopped on a global scale.The sustainable development goals are a perfect way to solve this. Here are our demands:

To get ideas going:
Make 17×30 Legislation, which is a group of policies that would help achieve the sustainable development goals. There are many organizations in the wiki that already have policies, so put those together into one. Contact the organizations.
Make a campaign. The first one will be a list of solutions. It will be made into posters that are hung up in cities, and posted on reddit in cities. In fact, it's going to be posted everywhere. There will be a team of volunteers, each with their own contact list.Draft of # Solutions for Society.
[ ] Join the General Strike at:
[ ] Join the Women's Strike, 28th of each month:
[ ] Boycott banks; only use credit unions
[ ] Boycott corporations; only buy off-brand food
[ ] Use the No Thanks app to find out boycotted items
[ ] Let's change the constitution with a Constitutional Convention:
[ ] Vote in local elections
- State positions
- City positions
- Voting 3rd party for president is better than not voting for any presidential candidate
Community Organizing
[ ] Join a Mutual Aid group or start your own. Go to:
[ ] Preventative Justice: Prevent harm in your community
[ ] Restorative Justice: make a Restorative Circle
[ ] Unionize your workplace!
[ ] Do Tenant Organizing with your apartment neighbors.
[ ] Create a Disaster Preparedness plan for yourself & your community.
[ ] Start an Urban off-griding group
- Community Garden
[ ] Participate in Tactical urbanism
[ ] Find Resources at
Participate In:
[ ] Bartering, Barter Up
[ ] Economic Democracy:
[ ] Buy Nothing, App or Facebook Group
[ ] Time Banking
[ ] Stock Market Protests
[ ] Cultural Anthropology
[ ] Media Literacy
Until we're all free.
[ ] Don't rebrand supremacy; end it
[ ] Covid, Wear a respirator
[ ] Trauma Informed Care
[ ] Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture
[ ] Abuse
- Neglect > Effort
- Gaslighting
- Denial
- Minimization > Validation
- Victim blaming > Support
Facts: (I need to find statistics for these)
[ ] ACAB.
[ ] Billionaires are evil.
[ ] Military Spending is disasterous.
[ ] Project 2025 is dangerous.
[ ] Political Ideologies:
- Socialism
- Communism
- Platformism
- Mutualism
- State Socialism
- Stateless Socialism
- Communalism
- Communism
- De Leonism
- Democratic Socialism
- Social Democracy
- Libertarian Marxism
- Marxism
- Autonomism
[ ] Voting Systems:
- Ranked Choice Voting
- Lottery Voting
[ ] Capitalist Ideaologies:
- Circular Economics
- Planned Economy
- Gift Economy
- Universal Basic Income
[ ] Philosophies & Causes:
- Systems thinking
- Decolonization
- Harm Reduction
- Intersectional Feminism
- Positive Masculinity
- Land Back
- Human Rights
- Abolition
- Solar Punk
- Deep Ecology
- Animal Liberation
[ ] Anarchist Tendencies:
- Anarcho-Communism
- Anarcho-Syndicalism
- Collectivist Anarchism
- Anarcho-Pacifism
- Anarcho-Transhumanism
- Green Anarchism
- Individualist Anarchism
- Left-Wing Market Anarchism
- Post-Anarchism
- Post-Left Anarchism
- Queer Anarchism
- Synthesis Anarchism

We want everyone's basic needs met; safe and accessibile shelter, food, water, bathrooms, healthcare, mental wellbeing and income for all.We want to promote social justice and intersectionality, equity, equality, and an end to discrimination, including systemic, for all people.We want to end industrial complexes and capitalistic exploitation, slavery, and waste of resources. We want workers rights, equitable wealth, and freedom of safe scientific advancement.We want systemic change and quality, accessible education for people of all ages, communities that are safe, city planning that is intentional, accessible public transportation, third spaces and green spaces.We want to end pollution, protect the climate, habitats and creatures above and below water, and build our societies to be in harmony with our environment.We want to end violence and abuse, have healthy justice, accountability and prevention; we want governance that is representative and free access to information.We want the global south to succeed and be free from imperialism and colonialism.We want unity and collaboration to achieve these goals; and for them to be achieved through organization and legislation.

We want everyone's basic needs met; safe and accessibile shelter, food, water, bathrooms, healthcare, mental wellbeing and income for all.We want to promote social justice and intersectionality, equity, equality, and an end to discrimination, including systemic, for all people.We want to end industrial complexes and capitalistic exploitation, slavery, and waste of resources. We want workers rights, equitable wealth, and freedom of safe scientific advancement.We want systemic change and quality, accessible education for people of all ages, communities that are safe, city planning that is intentional, accessible public transportation, third spaces and green spaces.We want to end pollution, protect the climate, habitats and creatures above and below water, and build our societies to be in harmony with our environment.We want to end violence and abuse, have healthy justice, accountability and prevention; we want governance that is representative and free access to information.We want the global south to succeed and be free from imperialism and colonialism.We want unity and collaboration to achieve these goals; and for them to be achieved through organization and legislation.

Project Dashboard

This is a list of new organizing efforts! Please contact me if you would like to advertise your efforts on this page!

Leftist Self Organization

Communism for communists!

We need to separate capitalism from activism in the US.Too often, organizing takes the same level of effort and privilege as entrepreneurship. It functions in a similar way as capitalism- there is a hierarchy with concentrated power. Those with privilege and greatest wealth in connections have the most say, and they often don't accept feedback from the community. Those without positionality must work their way up the ladder by volunteering in hierachal organizations, and are at times exploited or may experience minor or major moral injuries from doing work they don't agree with. Organizing becomes as soulsucking as modern day employment.It's important to volunteer where possible. But for important issues like mutual aid or urgent current events, it's common to have to start from scratch. And it can take years to figure out and gain social, resource, and experiential wealth to do that in time.One way to solve this is to democratize efforts. Activist projects are voted on, work is delegated. Instead of one organizer in control of everything, projects are inclusive and morph to the needs of the community.
A democratic vote is one example of a system, but the system could look like anything. What's important is that the process is inclusive and has self-organization.
It would be important to create a coalition of leaders and organizers interested in receiving feedback from the community, using their positionality to support others, and have a willingness to change their projects and strategies in order to be more likely to achieve their goal.I think I might be over thinking some of this, I'll try contacting leaders directly. For content creators, if they are busy or don't care I could pay them to promote. This again runs into the issue of paying their way into capitalistic activism. Maybe this could be mitigated by making a fund.For the voting aspect, that could be incorporated into structured mutual aid, because that's where volunteers are.
Even if these two issues are solved, there are still issues with siloing that need to be resolved. It would also be important to have a hand-off of projects for people who pass away or are no longer able to complete their projects.

It would be great to start simple. A lot of times activists and advocates work on things they have a vision for, but not what people need. The goal if the oink below to to create a space to put forth ideas. They will be voted on by everyone as to which are the most pressing. Then activists and advocates who have time will work on it!

Make a comment on this post here if you're interested in participating.

Structured Mutual Aid

It is the community's collective responsibility to care for everyone in the community. In the past, this was done by religion. This is an effort to create secular mutual aid, particularly for people in western nations that struggle with individualism and isolation.Events and societal needs are scheduled by calendar on an annual, monthly, weekly, and daily basis.All participation is optional, and all participation is accessible.Values:Prevention * Gratitude * Inclusivity * Fun * Rest * Community * Reliability * Education * Systems-ThinkingGiven that a big value is systems thinking, anything here can be changed to achieve the goals of the community.

ONCE A WEEK:There is a community gathering with multiple meetings, back to back with breaks included.It's important for facilitation and speaker duties to regularly change so there is no single leader, and leadership responsibilities and skills are shared.Meeting 1: Helping people in the community. This is intentionally casual, as a big barrier for people to get help is not meeting requirements. This can be independent co-working or group efforts. One option for individuals is to see what they can help with from the community needs list.Meeting 2: Doing political action. When a group or movement needs the public to do something to support, this is the time to do it.Meeting 1 and 2 are first, so that those who do the work every week and need more time to rest can arrive later and still participate.Information from Meeting 1 and 2 are shared on a community bulletin board or news letter, virtually for accessibility if possible, so that anyone can participate.Meeting 3: Community Gathering. It goes as follows:
Announcements: These are generic community announcements. Anyone can make an announcement. If someone doesn't want to say it themselves, the facilitator can say it.
List of Needs: The list of needs is where people share one thing they need, and one thing they can offer on a gift-basis. Ideally for a large group this is done virtually, and this is just an announcement of what people still need or anonymous requests.
Awards: People get participation awards for being alive. Except they aren't the same, people get them based on milestones, goals, or efforts in life they reach. This is optional and people must give consent. There's big milestones and little milestones but the topic of what the milestone is for is not in a hierarchy of what deserves to be acknowledged more, that could be a separate ceremony. The process for how and what people get acknowledged for would be public, that way people don't feel left out and if they are, there's a way to change it.
Remembrance: This is for honoring people who have suffered or prematurely died, and sharing what accountability measures were taken as a response, and how to maintain those.
5 minute speech: This is on a topic people want the community to know about. The same person can not speak more than once a month. If no one volunteers, then there is a book reading.
Gratitude: The facilitator shares one thing they are grateful for from a community perspective, not a personal one. There is a moment of silence for people to think about what they are grateful for, and who they would like to share that with.
Donations: This is for community mutual aid.
Meeting 4: Having fun and resting.
Food: There is a community meal. The community fridge is restocked, and those in need take food home.
Fun: There are games, singing, dancing, socializing, and quiet activities.

ANNUALLYThese are anual events that require preparation before the event. They are comparable to serious holidays, and the entire day is taken off from other responsibilities to focus on the event. Just because it happens one day doesn't mean it isn't supposed to be worked on the rest of the year- it's simply a special dedication.- Having an emergency preparedness plan and materials that is inclusive of the community, reassessed and tested annually.- Abuse prevention assessments.- Inclusivity and accessibility assessments.- Societal progress assessments, to identify outdated societal norms and progressive alternatives for them.- Sustanance assessments, for stability and security of needs (ex. financial assessment).- Remembrance day is for setting standards and rules. Each rule is associated with people who suffered or passed away. There are millions so each one isn't individually remembered, but they are honored through maintainace of rules.

People would be required to wear covid cautious items, such as N95 masks and respirators. These would be provided to those who can not afford them. It would be okay for people to not wear them for medical reasons. If there is a pandemic or other health crisis that requires different attire, that is required.

Remembrance at MeetingsThe creation and implementation of community rules and measures is intentional, and based on remembrance and honoring those who have been harmed before the creation of the rule, as well as honoring the current and future lives of people through prevention.Every week, there is a list of intentional laws, rights, measures, and rules that are read. What week information is shared can be based off of remembrance days, dates of implementation, or other relevant dates.It's important that people don't get too bored, as paying attention is an important for honoring those that have passed. It is also important for information to be accurate. If the list is too long for people to pay attention, or too long for the facilitator to provide accurate information, then they can simply state what is being remembered, summarize it, and/or have the audience read the remembrance numbers silently.Ideally, there are multiple distributors (for fact-checking) that collect and shares this information.[laws, rights, measures, rules] are for the purpose of [explanation]. The protections honor the [# ]of people who prematurely died and [ # ] of people who suffered, from [dates]. When protections are implemented, [ # ] of lives are protected by prevention, [ # ] of people are prevented from suffering. Despite these precautions, [ # ] of people are impacted by [unintended effect or gaps in prevention] in part because of [reason]. Right now, there are no protections in [locations], [# ] of people have died prematurely from [date] to today, and [ # ] have suffered. To maintain and create these protections, it's important to [state action steps]. This information was collected by [source, stating how this information was calculated]If any of this information is incorrect, please speak now and share what you know.If someone speaks up, others must say "thank you for sharing"If no one speaks after 20 seconds, someone from the audience must say:"I speak now to break the silence and honor victims, survivors, whistle blowers, journalists, librarians, historians, activists, advocates, and others who inform communities and keep records."Here is a list of remembrance and awareness days, weeks, and months. It is not comprehensive. Some on these lists are problematic. There are very important things that are not included, such as childhood torture. If something is not included, create a day with a date that is most relevant.These are awareness days. There were a few I saw that were problematic. I want to make a shared calendar of all the days, including links to solutions.World Awareness Days
Month Long Observances
UN Awareness days
NationsdaysHealth Awareness Days
awarenessdaysEnvironmental Awareness Days
awarenessdaysCivil Awareness Days

Cult preventionCharacteristics of cults:
1. Charismatic leader with female sidekick.
2. Sacred Assumption- a belief that is used to justify anything and everything
3. Transcendent mission- a goal that is big, vauge, and not attainable within a lifetime
4. Self-sacrifice of members
5. Limits views of outside world
6. Distinguishable vernacular
7. Us versus them mentality
8. Exploits members labor
9. High entrance and exit costs
10. Ends justify the means mentality
1. Leadership changes frequently.
2. Nothing is held sacred. There is no belief or idea that is so important that it can be used to justify anything.
3. SMART GOAL: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based
Encourage people to end community and political neglect and provide a tangible structure to prevent community and political neglect.
S. Create a social media awareness campaign comparable to coffee revolution to encourage people to do community and political action once a week.
M. Collaborate with at least 20 content creators for a viral campaign.
A. Create a to-do list of steps for this goal.
R. This is relevant for ending community neglect.
T. This will be done before the tik-tok ban in November.
S. Create a group that meets regularly to provide structure for completing community and political action once a week.
M. Have at least 1 group that meets weekly online, and one in-person group in half of cities that both have a population of 500,000 and have been identified as areas that struggle with individualism. Provide materials for people anywhere to start their own group, and create special resources for small towns.
A. Create a to-do list of steps for this goal.
R. This is relevant for ending community neglect.
T. The goal is to have the online group up and running this year, resources for groups available by 2028 (some resources will be available before then), and in-person groups in cities will be achieved by 2050, with a map of existing organizations up by 2028.
4. Consent is key. Members are never expected to sacrifice time, morals, personal boundaries, relationships, employment, or money for the sake of the group. Members are never asked to make this group the most important thing in their life. Avoid calling this group "family".
5. Information is never bad
6. For the group, do not create unfamiliar words or use regular words as names. No insider language.
7. There is no competition, there are no teams, there are no good vs. bad people, there are no "conscious" vs. "unconscious" people, no moral superiority, no intellectual ablism, no elitism. There are no judgements against how people do or do not participate. We are all inherently equal.
8. Members choose what to work on. If members choose an activity someone else has created, it's never the same organization, and it's made clear who is benefitting from volunteer work. Community and political action is never more than 16 hours a month. Preparation for meetings or events is considered community action. Tasks that involve many hours must be paid positions.
9. Open to the public, compassionate goodbyes, no shunning.
10. The purpose of this group is to heal communities, and there will never be a situation where harm is justified for an "end". If a project fails, it ultimately does not matter because this group is not required nor the only solution for ending community neglect.
11. Strong accountability. Measures are taken to prevent all violence, with a focus on CSA.
12. No chanting, initiation rituals, or rituals that use religious language, items, or related things.
13. While arguing, manipulation, and ither toxic behavior is not allowed, gossip is allowed.
14. People can joke that it's a cult. :)
15. Never say that a group can't or is not possible to become a cult.

Victim Liberation

Victim Liberation is the empowerment of victims.

It's about:- combating survivorship bias
- not viewing victims as "inevitable" or "collateral"
- honoring people who are unalived, and giving their voice equal weight in issues they were affected by
- equitably honoring victims who do not have living people to advocate for them
- preventing unaliving and suffering
- understanding the perspective of deep pain, such as not living as a privilege
- removing shame from victimization, not conflating it with lack of bravery or empowerment
- doing what is possible to increase quality of life before unalive
- burial, funeral, and cultural unalive ritual practices
- preserving their story, voice, and life's work

Examples of work:- Preventative Justice Aid Groups (Provides resources, assistance, and solutions to prevent harm. Alternative to Restorative Justice Circles that happen during or after harm)
- Obituaries
- Honorary Rules- Rules made in honor of people to prevent repeated mistakes
- Archival, Historian, and Story Teller Work
- Death Doulas and Hospice Care
- Missing Person Investigations
- Post- Death Work (completing their work, and sharing it)
- Victim Solidarity (engaging in organizing on behalf of people, primarily targeting the source or root of suffering in its location- which is very importantfor peoplewho were harmed far away from the root cause)

Victims are people who have not, or will not, survive. Survivors are not included, they must take part in other movements or create their own. Survivors are people who lived and experienced improvement or reached normalacy/stability in quality of life; while they are free to call themselves victims, Victim Liberation focuses on those who have passed away, are passing away, or are actively being victimized in life threatening ways.